U.S. Department of State
About U.S Department of State (DOS)
The U.S. Department of State (DOS) looked for a branded, white-labeled Video Streaming & Management Solution to stream live broadcasts from DOS & other TV channels, including on-demand content from DOS Headquarter to all the U.S. Embassies and Consulates spread across the globe.
Furthermore, the Department of State employs over 120,000 staff who view town hall meetings, TV channels, and other on-demand content streamed directly from the Department of State headquarters, creating low-quality media workloads, high end-to-end latency, and inconsistent quality-of-service to viewers.
Customer Challenges
The U.S. Department of State has been streaming live and on-demand content to its offices globally from its headquarters, but the quality of service has been inconsistent due to the lack of a well-established global video processing and distribution infrastructure.
Therefore, it was an issue to deliver concurrent multiple live streams, electronic program guides, and automatic scheduling for the control room in HQ and setting up a global video streaming infrastructure with consistent content delivery is costly if built from scratch. Furthermore, security was one of the highest priorities because of the classified nature of the content shared.
Partner Solution
VIDIZMO, a Gartner-recognized Video Content Management System, fulfilled the Department of State’s requirements for a Video Streaming and Management Solution. The DOS can now deliver high-quality viewing experiences, reduced end-to-end latency, and consistent quality of service to its viewers worldwide.
VIDIZMO solves these challenges by providing them with a scalable solution that can help the U.S. Department of State stream live and on-demand content through their network, ensuring security and providing control over content distribution globally. VIDIZMO’s live streaming infrastructure scales automatically as the audience of the content and traffic grows. The control room can schedule content to be streamed while the viewers can see the entire program guide. Furthermore, the solution works on all playback devices, including mobile devices, providing a cost-effective solution.
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