Events and webinars
Host memorable events that
make your audience want more

Conduct smooth live streaming of events and webinars, interact live with your audience, measure the impact, and store recorded live streams.

Scalable streaming

Host live events and webinars spanning audiences joining
from a wide range of geographical locations.

Audience interaction

Maximize viewer engagement and interact with the audience during the live stream for two-way communication.

Brandable platform

Reinforce your unique brand identity on a fully customizable, white-label platform.

Managed recordings

Don’t let the memories fade away by hosting event and webinar recordings on a secure event hosting platform.

Scalable streamingWebinar platform for streaming as smooth as butter

  • Stream to thousands of viewers

    Host highly interactive, engaging live events and webinars with thousands of attendees on the event hosting platform that scales.

  • Experience buffer-less streaming

    Offer viewers a smooth, uninterruptible live-streaming experience even when their Internet connection is acting up.

  • Make videos stream on all devices

    Enable universal playback of the live-streamed content on all devices with a format-agnostic event hosting platform offering support for 255+ formats.

Scalable streamingWebinar platform for streaming as smooth as butter

  • Stream to thousands of viewers

    Host highly interactive, engaging live events and webinars with thousands of attendees on the event hosting platform that scales.

  • Experience buffer-less streaming

    Offer viewers a smooth, uninterruptible live-streaming experience even when their Internet connection is acting up.

  • Make videos stream on all devices

    Enable universal playback of the live-streamed content on all devices with a format-agnostic event hosting platform offering support for 255+ formats.

Interactive events and webinars
Virtual event platform for increased viewer interaction

  • Engage with live viewers

    Offer the viewers an immersive live-streaming experience with live chat, polls, Q&A, and FAQs to address their queries beforehand. 

  • Customize the video player

    Make the live stream more interactive by creating your own video player template with the ability to download, share, or like your stream.

  • Track viewers' interest

    See how much viewers love your live streams through audience interaction data, engagement rates, drop-off rate, user-level analytics, and more.

Interactive events and webinars
Virtual event platform for increased viewer interaction

  • Engage with live viewers

    Offer the viewers an immersive live-streaming experience with live chat, polls, Q&A, and FAQs to address their queries beforehand. 

  • Customize the video player

    Make the live stream more interactive by creating your own video player template with the ability to download, share, or like your stream.

  • Track viewers' interest

    See how much viewers love your live streams through audience interaction data, engagement rates, drop-off rate, user-level analytics, and more.

Customizable platformEvent hosting platform that reflects your brand

  • Showcase your brand

    Communicate your brand identity to live-stream viewers by  adding your company/event logo, fonts, colors, and more.

  • Create registration form for viewers

    Create a custom registration form for interested attendees with multiple fields and use it as a landing page to attract interest.

  • Fully own your platform

    Remove any trace of EnterpriseTube and make the platform look as you've created it by adding your custom URL.

Customizable platformEvent hosting platform that reflects your brand

  • Showcase your brand

    Communicate your brand identity to live-stream viewers by  adding your company/event logo, fonts, colors, and more.

  • Create registration form for viewers

    Create a custom registration form for interested attendees with multiple fields and use it as a landing page to attract interest.

  • Fully own your platform

    Remove any trace of EnterpriseTube and make the platform look as you've created it by adding your custom URL.

Managed recordingsVirtual event platform for managing webinar recordings 

  • Host recorded webinars

    Host recorded webinars and live events on a secure, compliant virtual event platform and manage access to recordings.

  • Secure access to recordings

    Protect the recorded events from unauthorized access with single-sign-on (SSO) support and other access management features.

  • Embed media on websites

    Gauge more Internet traffic to your event, even after it has been held, by securely embedding your recorded event on different websites.

Managed recordingsVirtual event platform for managing webinar recordings 

  • Host recorded webinars

    Host recorded webinars and live events on a secure, compliant virtual event platform and manage access to recordings.

  • Secure access to recordings

    Protect the recorded events from unauthorized access with single-sign-on (SSO) support and other access management features.

  • Embed media on websites

    Gauge more Internet traffic to your event, even after it has been held, by securely embedding your recorded event on different websites.

Resources you might be interested in

Large video files management made easy

Learn more

Content creation 101: Recording and publishing stellar presentations

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Introduction to EnterpriseTube

Learn more

Enterprise video content management like never before

The 4 Es of EnterpriseTube experience


Manage video content and other digital media in 255+ formats on the go from an easy-to-use, intuitive platform.​


Add quizzes, survey forms, and handouts to engage with the audience and eliminate the screen as a barrier.


Make data-driven business decisions with actionable insights from granular media analytics to see media performance.


Harness the power of AI to expedite media search, search within video, and automatically generate closed captions (CC).

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